Tuesday 14 October 2008

Umar Nasheer to Shtage Pouting Shtrike

By iShath Shweeeetalk

The Ishlaaaamic Democratic Party’sh preshidental candidate Umar Nasheeeer hash announshed that he would shtage a pouting shtrike through da rest of da election rather then endorshe MDP’sh shtupid candidate Anni (aka teeny weeeny man with very bad dresh shenshe, no shtyle and zero charishma).

“I don’t like either of them,” Umar muttersh, grumblesh, retortsh, shnapsh, while standing with his armsh folded across his chesht, nurshing a mega pout. “I totally hate ‘em!”


Umar shaid that he had held an overnight shlumber party (which I bet totally sucked coz it could never be as awesome as the ones I have ;) at my house with my gurlzzz) at his campaign offish before making the decishun topout.

Sheeeeesh! Bo halaaaaaakzz..

“I thought of holding another hunger shtrike or to just hold my breath but pouting sheeeemed like an eashier alternative,” shaid Umar, who had always been nuttier than a couch-jumping Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise is shoooooooooooooooo like not sho cool, by the way with his this shienotlogy thing he has, like going on for yearsh. And that wife of his… ugh! Like shooooo not real. Anyway…. back 2 my report hehehehe.

On the other hand, the oh sho debonere…… debonair (shorry, had to look up spelling) Dr. Hassan Saeed (sigh, gush, mush) hash decided 2 be a good shport and joined that alliance thingy with that man with the ugly yellow tie. Which ish good coz now he can give tipsh 2 like how to dressh nicer in PINK shirts (drooool!!!) and look even more handshomer….

Bleauurrrgh blip blip … peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

[Due to technical difficulties and too shweeeeet reporters the sentence above and a few below it have been deleted/bleeped out/killed/cut/and mauled by the Editor. We apologise for anyone who has gotten diabetes.]

And oh oh oh oh… i almosht forgot!!!! new serial drama on TVM!!!!! There are not one, not two BUT THREE pitiful deaf characters. Take that Nahula!!!!!!!

(photo from Google Images)


  1. What the fuck is this? Has bakhabaru been hacked? By some of those sickeningly sweet wannabe, flowery centre-aligned-prose prone, pink-loving girl bloggers no less. A sad day for everyone who isn't completely colour-blind.

  2. hahahah fuck!

    I love how Shweet is influential enough for you to imitate her posts.

    While all the other teen bloggers out there shuck ass, Shweet rocks in her own special way.

    Shweet fan!

  3. hahahah fuck!

    I love how Shweet is influential enough for you to imitate her posts.

    While all the other teen bloggers out there shuck ass, Shweet rocks in her own special way.

    Shweet fan!

  4. shihana, that's exactly what i thought, bakhabaru has been hacked!

    if not, shame on you.

  5. officially now bahabaru can suck there own cocks

  6. wow o.O
    that was..quite cool!
    but not very bakhabaru-ish!

    im not a regular visitor here, but i heard about this "shweetish post" and thot to chek it out. hehe

  7. oh and btw, if u were trying to offend me or sumthing, it didnt rele work..cuz it was quite cool! hehe
    nice work buddy ;)

    colourful, xoxo, *actions within stars*..hmm..niiiice!


  8. Maybe Dr. Shaheed and Dr. Jameel hacked into Bakhabaru too expert hackers that they are

  9. whoa! Umar sure looks different in a blonde wig and pink T-shirt. he actually looks relatively harmless in the picture. That's even more shocking than bahabaru being hacked by teeny girl blogerres.

  10. "Sheeeeesh! Bo halaaaaaakzz.."

    OH LORDY kekekek that just keeps on killing me! pakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasss....

  11. hahahahaha! Shweet the baby.

  12. i dont know if you got mau and anni's christmas party stash or not, but this post is... disturbing. though interesting that you'd imitate a teenage blog.

    i dont find teenage blogs appealing at all, unlike a shweet obsessed freak in the comments there.

  13. Now this is an unlikely target! (i meant the indirect target and not maru umaru) Do not strike out (and yes its strike not shtrike) at ordinary members of the Vathan, Bakhabaru.

  14. @shihana
    Gasp! Hacked? Us? Bakhabaru can't be hacked! Just ask Dr. Jameel and Dr. Shaheed.

    @anonymous 1 & 2
    Whoosh! Went completely over your head, eh? It's not about influence. Or just one person.

    @anonymous 3
    Thank you for the shame, but we've got bucketfuls already.

    "There own cocks"? *sigh* There is a difference between 'their' and 'there', you know. Anyway, officially or unofficially we can't suck our own cocks. Not with iShat Shweeetalk around. It'd just confirm to the shweet little girl that we are indeed perverts like she already suspects.

    Dear sweet little shweetikle. Whatever gave you that idea that we were trying to offend you? Haven't you heard that flattery is the sincerest form of imitation? er... or was that the other way around? Never mind. Still, thanks for dropping by. And we think it is very very Bakhabaru-ish. iShath did an astonishingly good job reporting on that.
    stars and the moon to you too. ^o^

    He's actually in camouflage. We're shocked you could see him hidden in the foliage.

    Imitate? Nah, we try to cater to every available demographic. And like it or not there is an audience for it here in the local blogging scene. We are nothing if not fair.

    Et tu, Fali? The target is still YouDeath. It's the target audience that's different.

  15. Thank god! I thought I'd lost you. You had me fooled like a ... ... you know... someone who is fooled.

    I was and am more concerned about this anonymous shweet fan. and iShath Shweetalk. may god have mercy on her soul.

  16. OH OH OH SHIT.



    3 months of research and 800 US$ DOWN THE FUCKING DRAAAAAIN!


  17. dont et tu me youuu ..err .. et tu er!
    dont you realise how hard it is already to defend a defender of the Talk to the Hand Man!


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